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What is the Best Fertility Treatment for Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a disorder that’s often painful in which tissue that usually lines the inside of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This condition can make getting pregnant challenging since fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding areas may be inflamed or scarred. As many as half of the women with this condition struggle with infertility. What is the best fertility treatment for endometriosis?

A variety of forms of assisted reproductive technologies may make it possible for women with endometriosis to attain a successful pregnancy. The experts at the Center for Reproductive Health can determine the best fertility treatment for you based on your unique situation.

Determining the Severity of Endometriosis

To find the best fertility treatment for you if you have endometriosis, your doctor needs to determine the severity of your condition. In the early stages of endometriosis, not many areas have been affected and there’s no scar tissue. In the later stages of endometriosis, tissue may be implanted in extensive areas of the abdomen and there may be scar tissue.

Medicine, surgery, or both may be recommended to treat your endometriosis. If your endometriosis is at an early stage and you’re under the age of 35, surgical removal of the tissue may be all the treatment you need for pregnancy to occur naturally. This type of surgery is usually done laparoscopically. 

In Vitro Fertilization

In some women, even if endometrial tissue is removed, it grows back, which may lead to the need for other types of fertility treatment. In severe endometriosis, there may be damage to the ovaries or eggs, and the fallopian tubes may be blocked or damaged. Medication to stimulate the ovaries may help in some cases, but there’s a good chance that women with infertility related to endometriosis may need to consider in vitro fertilization (IVF) to attain a successful pregnancy.

IVF can bypass some of the fertility problems caused by endometriosis. There are several steps involved in treatment using IVF. Your doctor may give you injections of medication to trigger ovulation and encourage multiple eggs to be produced in the ovaries. Eggs are removed from the ovaries by your fertility doctor during a minor surgical procedure. These eggs are combined with sperm from your partner or from a sperm donor in a lab where fertilized eggs can be monitored to see if fertilization has been successful. 

Fertilizing eggs in a lab setting minimizes the risk of egg or sperm damage from endometriosis. Once fertilized eggs have grown into embryos, one or more embryos are implanted directly into the uterus, which bypasses blocked fallopian tubes. Extra embryos can be frozen for future use or can be donated to another couple. About twelve days after embryos are implanted, a pregnancy test is done. If you haven’t gotten pregnant, you’ll discuss with your fertility doctor whether to try another cycle of IVF.

The fertility specialists at the Center for Reproductive Health consider your endometriosis along with other factors such as your age and overall health when determining the best type of fertility treatment for you. Call today to learn more or to schedule a consultation.

How to Prepare for Fertility Treatment

Many couples experience the disappointment of having month after month pass without being able to get pregnant. Making the decision to find out about fertility treatment takes both courage and commitment. Once you’ve made that decision, the next thing to do is to find out how to prepare for fertility treatment so you can be ready for what’s ahead. 

When you’re ready to go through fertility treatment, it’s important to work with reputable and compassionate experts in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. That’s exactly what you’ll find at the Center for Reproductive Health.

Work on Your Overall Health

Fertility treatment results in a successful pregnancy for many people, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work for everyone. There are some things you can do that may improve your chance of getting pregnant. Work toward attaining a healthy weight, since being either overweight or underweight can affect your hormone levels and may make it more difficult to get pregnant. If you’ve been leading a sedentary lifestyle, make an effort to be more active and to fit exercise into your daily routine. 

Talk to your fertility specialist to find out if you need to take prenatal vitamins or any other supplements. Some supplements such as omega 3s or DHEA are believed to improve sperm count or egg quality.

Break Bad Habits

People often have habits that have consequences on fertility and health. When you’re committed to doing whatever you can to get pregnant, it’s time to break bad habits such as smoking, drinking, or consuming too much caffeine. If you’ve been living on fast food or junk food, work on sticking to healthier food choices. Developing better habits is important for both men and women. Tobacco and caffeine can affect both eggs and sperm.

Another thing to pay attention to is your sleeping habits. Sleep is important for the regeneration of cells, and staying up late night after night can impact your fertility and your overall health.

Stress Management

To a point, stress is part of life and it’s impossible to control or prevent all forms of stress. Uncontrolled stress can take a toll on your overall health and it can interfere with the ability to conceive. There are many things you can do to help manage your stress level. What works for someone else may not work for you, but some things to try include:

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture
  • Listening to music
  • Walking
  • Aromatherapy

Talk therapy may be beneficial for reducing stress and for working through feelings of sadness and disappointment that often surround infertility. Practicing yoga can help to tone and strengthen your muscles and can also help to increase blood flow to your reproductive organs and improve your ability to relax.

Working With Your Fertility Team

There are some factors that you can’t control even with good lifestyle choices, such as your age. The chance of attaining success from fertility treatment may get lower for women over 35 or 40. If you’re younger than 35, don’t put off scheduling a consultation for fertility treatment. 

When you’re ready to consider fertility treatment, reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health. They have the knowledge and experience needed to create a treatment plan that gives you the best chance of attaining a successful pregnancy. Schedule a consultation today.


How to Increase Fertility

There are many factors that can affect fertility. While some things are out of your control, there are some lifestyle changes you might make that could make a difference. While there’s no guarantee that making different lifestyle choices will result in pregnancy, it’s a good idea to give yourself the best possible chance of getting a good result from fertility treatment.

If you’re looking for information on how to increase fertility, your best option is to work closely with the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health. Their knowledgeable staff understands how important it is to have a successful pregnancy and they can help you understand what to focus on if you’re hoping to increase fertility.

Attaining or Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or underweight can have an impact on your hormones and on your overall health. In women, any extremes in body weight can affect your menstrual cycle and interfere with ovulation. If you’re underweight, you may have irregular periods and if you do get pregnant, you’re at a higher risk of having a premature baby that has a low birth weight.

Be sure your diet includes foods that are rich in nutrients as well as foods that contain fiber and antioxidants. Avoid eating a lot of fast food or refined carbohydrates such as white sugar and white bread. Work with your healthcare provider if you need help gaining weight or losing weight.

Get Active

A sedentary lifestyle can affect your overall health and can also impact your fertility. Being proactive about including exercise in your daily routine can have a positive effect on fertility in both men and women. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, start slowly and consider activities that might be fun such as dancing or swimming. Work with your doctor to find out what type of exercise would be most beneficial for you and talk about how much exercise would be too much.

Break Bad Habits

When you weren’t thinking about trying to have a baby, you may have acquired some habits that could be harming your health. If you’re a smoker, it’s important to quit. Anything that’s consumed to excess may have a detrimental effect on fertility, so work on limiting the amount of alcohol or caffeine you consume. While it hasn’t been proven that caffeine has an impact on fertility, it makes sense to limit caffeine consumption to one or two cups of coffee or other beverages that contain caffeine each day. Alcohol may have an impact on fertility and may also be harmful to an unborn child if you do get pregnant.

Control Stress

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it may hurt your fertility, while managing stress well may improve your chances of getting pregnant.  Make controlling stress a priority. Learn what habits make you feel relaxed such as listening to music, going for a walk or meditating. Some people find that burning candles or journaling has a soothing effect on their mood. 

Make an appointment to talk to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health for help identifying what changes you can make that may have a beneficial effect on your fertility. 

How to Stay Positive During Fertility Treatment

When you want a child more than anything else but haven’t been able to conceive, you may feel extremely disappointed and sad. You may have a hard time staying positive but you need to work on not allowing negativity to overtake you. Remember that it takes a lot of courage to pursue fertility treatment, and getting the results you want may be a long process. It’s important to know how to stay positive during fertility treatment.

Having a supportive and compassionate team on your side can make a big difference. You can count on the staff at the Center for Reproductive Health to help you navigate the ups and downs of the fertility treatment process.

Coping With Overwhelming Emotions

Fertility treatment can make you feel emotional and out of control. It’s important to avoid allowing overwhelming emotions such as sadness, anxiousness, or discouragement to consume you. Some ways to cope with overwhelming emotions include:

  • Physical activity. Physical activity is a great way to release stormy emotions. Try to fit some form of physical activity such as walking, swimming, or dancing into your daily routine. Quiet forms of physical activity such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong are great ways to focus on the moment and not on emotional turbulence.
  • Journaling.  Writing down your feelings gets them out of your head and helps you sort through what’s really bothering you. Another approach is to make a habit of expressing gratitude on paper or writing about good things that happen to you each day, which keeps your focus off feelings of negativity.
  • Meditation. Meditation refers to several different ways to achieve a state of relaxation. Practice quieting your mind using deep breathing, mantras, or guided meditations.
  • Therapy. A trained psychotherapist can help you sort through feelings of negativity and emotional distress and can recommend tools and practices to help you cope with the way you’re feeling.
  • Ask for help. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive people. Friends and family members may unintentionally say things that make you feel worse. Know where to go to get the emotional support you need, whether it’s your closest friend, an in-person support group, or an online discussion group.

Negative thoughts can creep in and bring you down. Work on being kind to yourself and interrupting any negative thoughts that you might have. Fertility challenges aren’t your fault. Visualize a peaceful place or a positive outcome and think about things in your own life that lift you up. Instead of dwelling on what may or may not happen, take the time for listening to music, playing with a pet, reading a book, watching funny cat videos, or just relaxing.

Keep Learning About Fertility Treatment

Feeling emotional is sometimes triggered by feeling confused or uncertain, so it’s a good idea to get as much information as you can about what to expect during fertility treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health with any questions or concerns you may have. 


How to Take Care of Yourself During Fertility Treatment

The wide range of emotions you experience during fertility treatment may feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. The more you dwell on whether or not fertility treatment is going to be successful, the more you may feel overwhelmed or stressed. 

The caring staff members at the Center for Reproductive Health understand what a stressful experience this can be, especially if fertility treatment isn’t successful right away. They’re prepared to help you learn how to take care of yourself during fertility treatment, including both your physical and emotional health.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Making good lifestyle choices can benefit your overall health, including your reproductive health. Taking care of your physical health may help to improve your chance of a successful pregnancy. Make healthy food choices to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need. Avoid eating a lot of processed foods and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. 

Exercise can be beneficial both physically and mentally. Some good choices include yoga, walking and riding a bike. Talk to your doctor about the best exercise options for you and about how much exercise to do to prevent injury or over exercising.

Make Self-Care a Priority

Each day, remind yourself to do something you consider fun as part of your daily routine. Work on being in tune with how you’re feeling and think about what you need to do to take care of yourself.  What makes you feel relaxed or calm? 

Give yourself some time to do the things that are soothing to you such as meditation, a bubble bath, reading a good book, listening to music or having a massage.  Practice deep breathing as a way to help yourself to feel calm. Be kind to yourself.

Have a Support System

Feelings of sadness or frustration are natural when you’re having difficulty having a baby, and you’ll need a support system of people you can turn to if you need someone to lean on. This may be your partner, a relative or a close friend.  You may find that those you have turned to in the past don’t know how to provide the support you need, and you may want to consider participating in a support group with others who are also going through fertility treatment. 

Negative emotions shouldn’t be stuffed or ignored. Many people find journaling about overwhelming feelings is a good way to process them. If you find you’re feeling depressed and you have lost interest in being around others or doing things you usually enjoy, it may be time to prioritize getting help from a mental health professional. 

Learning About Fertility Treatment

When you’re going through fertility treatment, learn as much as you can about what to expect. You may experience a lot of highs and lows during this time and the better you understand what’s happening and what’s likely to happen next, the better you’ll be at coping with whatever happens. 

Reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health for more tips on taking care of yourself during fertility treatment.

When to Seek Fertility Treatment

Many couples experience disappointment and frustration when they decide they’re ready to have a baby but month after month passes without getting pregnant. It may seem like pregnancy should automatically happen without help, but there are many possible causes for having difficulty conceiving that can be corrected. So, how do you know when to seek fertility treatment?

The decision on when or if to seek fertility treatment is a personal one and when you are ready, The Center for Reproductive Health provides compassionate support for couples who are struggling to get pregnant. 

Deciding to Seek Help

Couples under the age of 35 that have spent a year having unprotected intercourse without getting pregnant may need to consider the possibility that pregnancy may not happen without guidance from experts. After the age of 35, your biological clock is ticking and you may not want to postpone seeking guidance longer than six months. The older you get, the more likely you may struggle with infertility and if you’re over the age of 40, you may want to seek help after three months of trying to get pregnant. 

Problems with your reproductive system may need to be addressed even if it’s been less than a year since you’ve been trying to get pregnant. If you’ve had more than one miscarriage, or if you have irregular periods, painful periods, or no periods at all, don’t postpone getting professional guidance. If you have chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, thyroid disease, or diabetes, you may want to work with a fertility specialist.

What Causes Infertility?

Infertility has many possible causes, and consulting experts in the field of assisted reproductive technology can help you uncover what’s at the root of your struggles and then can help you determine the best form of treatment. Some of the possible causes of infertility include:

  • Problems with ovulation
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Poor egg quality
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Low testosterone
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Genetic disorders
  • Exposure to environmental toxins

Lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, and substance abuse can also affect your reproductive health. Many of these causes can be corrected, which can improve the chance of getting pregnant. 

Fertility Treatment Options

The best treatment options for you and your partner depend on the cause of infertility. Some reproductive problems can be surgically corrected if necessary and medications are available that can treat hormone imbalances. Some people benefit from changes such as attaining a healthy weight or discontinuing certain medications.

Advances in assisted reproductive technologies have made successful pregnancies possible for many couples. Determining the best form of treatment for you starts with a complete medical exam for both you and your partner which usually includes diagnostic testing. Your doctor also evaluates your family health history and prior pregnancies that you’ve had. 

At the Center for Reproductive Health, you’ll find highly trained and experienced specialists who want to help you reach your goal of a healthy pregnancy. We understand how emotionally draining it can be to have difficulty conceiving, and we treat patients with respect and compassion every step of the way. Schedule a consultation today.


When to Start Fertility Treatment

It’s not uncommon for couples to decide they’re ready to have a baby only to find that pregnancy doesn’t always automatically happen. If you’re among the many people who are struggling, you may feel alone with this problem, but you’re not. Difficulty conceiving affects as many as 10 to 15 percent of couples who want to have a baby. So, how do you know when to start fertility treatment?

Couples who are concerned about their ability to conceive don’t have to struggle alone. The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is available to answer questions and guide couples to find their best options for attaining a successful pregnancy.

How Long Should It Take to Get Pregnant?

While every couple is different, many couples are able to conceive within five to six months of having unprotected sex. Couples that have been trying for a year or more without success may have a problem with infertility. The older you are, the more likely you may struggle with getting pregnant. If you’re older than 35 years of age, it’s a good idea to consult fertility experts if your efforts to conceive aren’t successful within six months. If you’re older than 40 years of age, you may want to talk to a fertility specialist within three months.

Age isn’t the only factor that may affect your ability to conceive. People that have had two or more miscarriages should consider working with fertility experts. If you have conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or irregular periods, they may affect your ability to get pregnant. It’s a good idea to talk to a fertility expert to find out how any of these or other health conditions could be affecting you.

What to Expect During a Fertility Consultation

Infertility has many possible causes. There could be problems with the man, the woman, or both, and many infertile couples have more than one factor affecting their ability to conceive. At a fertility consultation, you discuss both partners’ medical histories with a specialist. You may be asked questions about how long you’ve been trying, whether you’ve been tracking ovulation and whether you have unhealthy habits that could affect your ability to have a healthy pregnancy such as smoking or substance use.

Diagnostic testing and a complete physical exam are usually recommended to try to pinpoint factors affecting your ability to get pregnant. Once these factors are known, a customized treatment plan can be created. You’ll then have the opportunity to discuss all the available options and ask questions about what to expect.

There are more options for treating infertility than ever before and if you’ve been frustrated at your inability to get pregnant for quite a while, it may be time to consider starting fertility treatments. When you work with the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health, you’ll find a team dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care. If you’re ready to find out more about fertility treatments, schedule a consultation today.

How to Finance Fertility Treatment

Many couples have concerns about how to finance fertility treatment. When you’ve been having difficulty conceiving, before making a decision about whether to go forward with fertility treatment, it’s important to understand what services you need so that you can make a decision about what you’re willing to commit to financially. 

Getting fertility treatment can be expensive and understanding all your options can help take away some of the stress related to financing fertility treatment. The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is available to answer any questions you may have about fertility treatment options, including possible ways to finance fertility treatment. 

Check With Your Health Insurance Provider

In many cases, health insurance doesn’t cover the full price of fertility treatment, but it’s a good idea to find out for sure if you have any coverage that may help reduce your overall cost. Contact your health insurance provider and ask if you have any coverage related to infertility. Some parts of the diagnostic testing done as part of your workup may be covered, such as bloodwork or an ultrasound.

Explore Financing Options

Some patients are fortunate enough to have money already saved or available to borrow from family members that can be used to pay for fertility treatment. Other patients are quick to use credit cards, but before immediately putting fertility treatment costs on a credit card, be sure to explore other possible funding options. The interest rates on credit cards can be very high and can lead to financial stress. 

There are a variety of lenders that finance fertility treatment. Some lenders such as CapexMD and New Life Fertility Finance specialize in fertility financing, and they’re familiar with the costs and fees that may be related to fertility treatments. Personal loans through other lending companies may also be an option. Look for flexible financing options and consider loan terms and rates as well as how a loan may affect your overall finances before committing to borrowing money to finance fertility treatment. Crowdsourced funding may be an option for some patients.

Understanding the Total Cost

The overall cost of fertility treatment can vary greatly. Fertility treatment plans may have a wide variety of options such as IVF, surrogates, third-party egg donors, etc. When choosing the best fertility treatment option for you, make sure you understand the total amount you’ll be expected to pay. 

Ask what’s included and not included in the quoted price. Find out whether medications are included in the price quote and whether there are any other costs that may be billed separately. Some questions you may want to ask include:

  • How many rounds of IVF are included in the cost?
  • Are there separate fees for storing eggs and embryos?
  • Are preliminary consultations included in the cost?
  • Are there any assisted reproductive technologies that aren’t included in the price quote?

If you need help understanding your insurance coverage or financing options, the staff at the Center for Reproductive Health wants to help. Reach out today for an appointment or with any questions you may have.

What is the First Step in Fertility Treatment?

Millions of people find that once they have made the decision to have a baby, getting pregnant doesn’t happen as easily as they hoped. Infertility refers to being unable to get pregnant after at least a year of unprotected sex. Fertility treatment provides options that allow many people to realize their dreams of having a baby. What is the first step in fertility treatment?

Acknowledging that there’s a problem and deciding to seek treatment is the first step you need to take, and that can take a lot of courage. The knowledgeable and compassionate team at the Center for Reproductive Health provides empathic support and guidance throughout the process.

Determining the Cause

There are many possible causes of infertility, and treatment begins with working toward finding out why having a baby hasn’t been easy for you. At your initial consultation, your fertility specialist reviews your medical history and family history with you and schedules tests that can help diagnose the cause of infertility. Some tests that may be ordered include:

  • Blood tests to analyze reproductive hormone levels and to uncover other factors that could be impacting fertility
  • Ovarian function tests
  • Cervical mucus test
  • Semen analysis to evaluate the concentration and mobility of sperm
  • Genetic testing

Both partners have a physical exam. An ultrasound may be scheduled to evaluate reproductive anatomy. Not everyone needs all of the available tests. Your fertility doctor determines which tests are indicated for you. 

Discussing the Results

A follow-up appointment is scheduled to discuss the results of your tests once they have been completed and to create a treatment plan that’s likely to have the best possible results for you. Your fertility specialist explains what to expect from treatment including possible side effects and the likelihood of attaining a successful pregnancy.

Sometimes only one partner needs treatment and other times, the treatment plan involves both partners. Medications may be prescribed to correct hormone imbalances or to stimulate ovulation, and minor surgical procedures are sometimes recommended.

Two of the most common fertility treatment options are intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). In IUI, healthy sperm are inserted into the uterus during ovulation. In IVF, eggs are harvested from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a lab. Several days after fertilization, one or more embryos are inserted into your uterus by your fertility doctor.

Embryos that aren’t used at this time may be frozen for future use. If the cause of your infertility is related to your eggs or your partner’s sperm, donor eggs, sperm or embryos from an anonymous donor may be used. 

Lifestyle changes may be recommended to improve your chance of getting pregnant. This may include losing weight, quitting smoking, and adding regular exercise to your daily routine.

Many couples who have fertility treatment are able to go on to have healthy pregnancies. However, some couples experience miscarriages or are unable to get pregnant even with expert fertility treatment. 

The good news is that progress is constantly being made in the field of assisted reproductive technology. The Center for Reproductive Health is a global pioneer in fertility treatment and research and has proven high success rates. Contact us today to find out more or to schedule a consultation.