How to Increase Fertility

There are many factors that can affect fertility. While some things are out of your control, there are some lifestyle changes you might make that could make a difference. While there’s no guarantee that making different lifestyle choices will result in pregnancy, it’s a good idea to give yourself the best possible chance of getting a good result from fertility treatment.
If you’re looking for information on how to increase fertility, your best option is to work closely with the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health. Their knowledgeable staff understands how important it is to have a successful pregnancy and they can help you understand what to focus on if you’re hoping to increase fertility.
Attaining or Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Being overweight or underweight can have an impact on your hormones and on your overall health. In women, any extremes in body weight can affect your menstrual cycle and interfere with ovulation. If you’re underweight, you may have irregular periods and if you do get pregnant, you’re at a higher risk of having a premature baby that has a low birth weight.
Be sure your diet includes foods that are rich in nutrients as well as foods that contain fiber and antioxidants. Avoid eating a lot of fast food or refined carbohydrates such as white sugar and white bread. Work with your healthcare provider if you need help gaining weight or losing weight.
Get Active
A sedentary lifestyle can affect your overall health and can also impact your fertility. Being proactive about including exercise in your daily routine can have a positive effect on fertility in both men and women. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, start slowly and consider activities that might be fun such as dancing or swimming. Work with your doctor to find out what type of exercise would be most beneficial for you and talk about how much exercise would be too much.
Break Bad Habits
When you weren’t thinking about trying to have a baby, you may have acquired some habits that could be harming your health. If you’re a smoker, it’s important to quit. Anything that’s consumed to excess may have a detrimental effect on fertility, so work on limiting the amount of alcohol or caffeine you consume. While it hasn’t been proven that caffeine has an impact on fertility, it makes sense to limit caffeine consumption to one or two cups of coffee or other beverages that contain caffeine each day. Alcohol may have an impact on fertility and may also be harmful to an unborn child if you do get pregnant.
Control Stress
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it may hurt your fertility, while managing stress well may improve your chances of getting pregnant. Make controlling stress a priority. Learn what habits make you feel relaxed such as listening to music, going for a walk or meditating. Some people find that burning candles or journaling has a soothing effect on their mood.
Make an appointment to talk to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health for help identifying what changes you can make that may have a beneficial effect on your fertility.