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When to Start Fertility Treatment

It’s not uncommon for couples to decide they’re ready to have a baby only to find that pregnancy doesn’t always automatically happen. If you’re among the many people who are struggling, you may feel alone with this problem, but you’re not. Difficulty conceiving affects as many as 10 to 15 percent of couples who want to have a baby. So, how do you know when to start fertility treatment?

Couples who are concerned about their ability to conceive don’t have to struggle alone. The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is available to answer questions and guide couples to find their best options for attaining a successful pregnancy.

How Long Should It Take to Get Pregnant?

While every couple is different, many couples are able to conceive within five to six months of having unprotected sex. Couples that have been trying for a year or more without success may have a problem with infertility. The older you are, the more likely you may struggle with getting pregnant. If you’re older than 35 years of age, it’s a good idea to consult fertility experts if your efforts to conceive aren’t successful within six months. If you’re older than 40 years of age, you may want to talk to a fertility specialist within three months.

Age isn’t the only factor that may affect your ability to conceive. People that have had two or more miscarriages should consider working with fertility experts. If you have conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or irregular periods, they may affect your ability to get pregnant. It’s a good idea to talk to a fertility expert to find out how any of these or other health conditions could be affecting you.

What to Expect During a Fertility Consultation

Infertility has many possible causes. There could be problems with the man, the woman, or both, and many infertile couples have more than one factor affecting their ability to conceive. At a fertility consultation, you discuss both partners’ medical histories with a specialist. You may be asked questions about how long you’ve been trying, whether you’ve been tracking ovulation and whether you have unhealthy habits that could affect your ability to have a healthy pregnancy such as smoking or substance use.

Diagnostic testing and a complete physical exam are usually recommended to try to pinpoint factors affecting your ability to get pregnant. Once these factors are known, a customized treatment plan can be created. You’ll then have the opportunity to discuss all the available options and ask questions about what to expect.

There are more options for treating infertility than ever before and if you’ve been frustrated at your inability to get pregnant for quite a while, it may be time to consider starting fertility treatments. When you work with the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health, you’ll find a team dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care. If you’re ready to find out more about fertility treatments, schedule a consultation today.

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