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What Most People Don’t Know About Egg Donation

If you’re among the 11% of women who are struggling with infertility, assisted reproductive technology (ART) may be the best way to help you achieve your family goals.

Egg donation means a fertile woman with healthy eggs donates an oocyte (egg) to a woman struggling with infertility. The recipient has an otherwise healthy reproductive system, but can’t can’t get pregnant because she has too few eggs or has a genetic disorder that she doesn’t want to pass on to her baby.

Egg donation offers a chance for pregnancy to couples who may have been trying to get pregnant for years and have undergone other ART, including in vitro fertilization. At California Center for Reproductive Health, our egg donation program can dramatically increase the likelihood that a woman will conceive.

Egg donation is fully regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. We vet donors to ensure a smooth and safe process for both the women donating eggs and those receiving them.

The process of egg donation requires many steps. Here are some facts about egg donation that you may not know.

Eggs are not sold

Women donate their eggs, just like they would any tissue. It is illegal to sell organs or tissue in the United States. The FDA regulates egg donation, and we follow strict protocols.

You don’t have to know your egg donor

While it is possible for a woman to donate eggs to a sibling or friend in need, we have a bank of donors who may be just right for you. These donors undergo a very careful selection process so they fully understand the process and can ensure our recipients that they are healthy.

Choosing an anonymous egg donor can also remove complications that arise when you’re familiar with the egg donor. We take care of all the legal issues and set the boundaries. You won’t have to worry about who the child resembles or who they are related to; those factors can complicate relationships with all the parties involved.

It’s important to do your research

Although egg donation is carefully regulated, there are still scammers out there. Carry out egg donation only with a trusted, reputable practice, like California Center for Reproductive Health.

Egg donors pass strict screenings

We carefully vet our donors to make sure they are physically healthy, have no mental health issues, don’t use drugs, and aren’t carrying specific genetic conditions that could be passed on to your baby.

There are limits on how many times a woman can donate eggs

Women can only donate their eggs for six cycles. It’s very unusual for a woman to reach this number, as most complete just one or two donor cycles.

This restriction helps protect the health of all involved in the donation process.

Egg donation can take weeks or months

Egg donors are screened first. This may take several weeks. Then, they wait to be selected for donation. Expect it to take another 1-2 months to draw up the legal contract and for the updated screenings and donor cycle to be completed.

Egg donation is a remarkable process that gives many parents the chance to grow their families when faced with infertility.

If you’re interested in becoming an egg donor or in exploring egg donation to help you conceive, contact our experienced, knowledgeable team at California Center for Reproductive Health. Our doctors and staff have your best interests in mind and want to do everything possible to help you achieve the dream of a healthy, successful pregnancy.

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