What Are the Ways You Can Maintain Good Reproductive Health?

Whether or not you’re currently trying to get pregnant, it’s important to remember that the choices you’re making today are affecting your reproductive health now and in the future. While there are some things that are out of your control when it comes to fertility, there are also things you can do to take care of your body. Healthy lifestyle choices can help you to look better and feel better and can also improve the health of your reproductive system. What are the ways you can maintain good reproductive health?
Healthy Food Choices
When your diet consists of junk food, fast food, and empty calories, it probably lacks important nutrients. The problem with poor eating habits is that the harm you may be causing your body may not show up right away, which makes it easy to think you’re not doing anything wrong. For good reproductive and overall health, be sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins from lean meats or plant sources.
Nutrients are an important factor in your eating habits, but you should also think about whether you’re maintaining a healthy body weight. Your ability to conceive can be harmed by being either underweight or overweight. Work on attaining and maintaining a healthy weight.
Physical Activity
A sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on your body. Regular exercise is beneficial for your heart, lungs, and reproductive system and it can help to maintain good body weight. If you haven’t been exercising at all, start with a short low-intensity workout of walking, swimming, dancing, or biking. Include strength training and flexibility exercises.
At the other extreme, it’s possible to exercise too much or too intensely. Overexercising can have a negative impact on your hormones. Exercising over 60 minutes a day may increase the risk of infertility.
Routine Screenings
Routine gynecological screening may seem unpleasant or a nuisance, but there’s a reason to make time for them. Screenings can detect illnesses you may not know you have, and cancers and other illnesses that affect the reproductive system may not be discovered for years without regular exams.
Another important reason to follow through with routine screenings is if there’s any chance you have been exposed to sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs), you may not have any symptoms. Untreated STIs can cause damage to your reproductive organs, so if you have contracted one of these illnesses, treatment should be started right away. Commit to always practicing safe sex to help avoid contracting STIs.
Make Good Health a Priority
Small daily habits can have a big impact on your health and your hormones. If you’re a smoker, talk to your doctor about the best ways to quit. Drink plenty of water and limit caffeine and alcohol consumption. Consider the impact stress may be having on your health and the way you feel. Being under stress for weeks or months at a time eventually takes its toll on your body including your reproductive health. Make time for things that help manage your stress such as yoga and meditation and aim for eight hours of sleep a night.
Taking care of your overall health is a great way to be proactive about your reproductive health. For more tips on maintaining good reproductive health, reach out to California Center for Reproductive Health.