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California Center for Reproductive Health is committed to increasing awareness and optimizing accessibility to fertility preservation options for female patients diagnosed with cancer. Over 100,000 individuals less than 45 years of age are diagnosed with cancer annually in the United States. Cancer diagnosis is terrifying, but thankfully advancements in cancer therapies, particular chemotherapeutics, have led […]

California Center for Reproductive Health is committed to increasing awareness and optimizing accessibility to fertility preservation options for female patients diagnosed with cancer. Over 100,000 individuals less than 45 years of age are diagnosed with cancer annually in the United States. Cancer diagnosis is terrifying, but thankfully advancements in cancer therapies, particular chemotherapeutics, have led to dramatic improvements in survival. With this increasing improvement in long term survival the medical community has acknowledged the importance of patient counseling and pursuit of options for fertility preservation. The opportunity to have a genetic child in the future is an extremely important quality of life issue for many women.


Oncofertility Q & A

What are the potential impacts of cancer treatment on my future fertility?

The potential impact of cancer treatment on fertility cannot be emphasized enough. Treatment including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery may result in:

  1. Depleting the number of eggs stored in the ovaries resulting in early menopause
  2. Germ cell failure can result in premature ovarian failure
  3. Reduced production of ovarian hormones can result in early menopausal symptoms
  4. Uterine or tubal scarring can interfere with fertilization and implantation
  5. Uterine vascular insufficiency can result in an inability to maintain pregnancy


How much time does it take for a fertility preservation cycle?

Dr. Woo and Dr. Mor work in close coordination with your oncologist to plan for the safest and quickest route of treatment. Expedited treatment options can be started immediately (regardless of where you are in your menstrual cycle) and be finished prior to your planned cancer therapy. The total time from start to finish is approximately 2 weeks.


Is it safe to have ovarian stimulation if I have a hormonally sensitive cancer?

Yes, at CCRH, we only use proven safe protocols designed specifically for hormone sensitive cancer patients. In large studies addition of aromatase modulators such as letrozole, to women with breast cancer undergoing fertility preservation, survival and breast cancer recurrence rates were no different between women who chose to proceed with fertility preservation vs those who did not.


Do I need to have a partner for fertility preservation?

No, you do not need a partner for fertility preservation. With advancement in technology we now perform vitrification, eggs are frozen in a glass like state without damage of water crystal formation.  Frozen eggs can be saved indefinitely and thawed to use in the future with equal efficacy as frozen embryos.


Is it safe to carry a pregnancy after I am in remission?

It depends on the particular type of cancer, and treatment you received. In addition, the timing of when to conceive will need to be closely coordinated between your reproductive endocrinologist and your oncologist.

For most breast cancer survivors, current studies do not indicate increased risk of recurrence or decreased risk of survival when a woman chooses to become pregnant while in remission.


How much does it cost for fertility preservation?

Last year, Governor Newsom and the California State Senate passed a Senate Bill No. 600 that states fertility preservation services are a basic health care service that MUST be covered by health care insurers. There are additional resources in the links below including services for other financial assistance for fertility preservation and post treatment family building grants.

Improvements in cancer therapy have led to improved overall survival. Future family building is a significant quality of life issue after cancer. CCRH is a proud partner with LIVESTRONG Foundation and active members of the national Oncofertility Consortium.  SAFE AND EFFECTIVE METHODS FOR FERTILITY PRESERVATION EXISTS!

Please do not hesitate to set up an expedited consultation.


Please see our blog for additional questions:

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