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How Long to Wait to Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Women often have their tubes tied with the expectation that they won’t want to have any more children. As time passes, it’s not uncommon for them to change their minds and wish to have another chance to get pregnant. Fortunately most tubal ligations are reversable with a procedure called a tubal reversal, which may be an option if you’re considered a good candidate for the procedure.

Once the decision has been made to have a tubal reversal, the next question many women have is how long to wait to conceive after tubal reversal. The physicians at the Center for Reproductive Health work closely with each woman who has a tubal reversal and provide detailed post op instructions.

What to Expect After Tubal Ligation Reversal

A tubal reversal typically takes two hours or less and is done as an outpatient procedure. You’ll spend around an hour in recovery after surgery before going home. There are different approaches to tubal ligations, which means there are also some differences in tubal reversal procedures. Your doctor reviews your unique situation when recommending how soon to resume normal activities including resuming intercourse.

You may find that you’re experiencing some discomfort or reduced energy levels for a week or two. About a week after surgery, you’ll have a follow-up appointment where your doctor can evaluate how well your incision is healing and your recovery is progressing. At this visit, you’ll be able to discuss whether there’s any reason to postpone trying to conceive. In many cases, it’s a good idea to wait one or two months after your surgery before attempting to conceive to allow your body time to completely heal.

When Will I Get Pregnant?

There are no guarantees that a tubal reversal will be successful, but many women do conceive within one to two years after a tubal reversal. The chance of attaining pregnancy without additional fertility treatments after this type of surgery is about 50 to 80 percent if you’re under the age of 40. The chance of success goes down to about 30 to 40 percent if you’re over the age of 40.

What Happens if I Still Can’t Get Pregnant?

There are several different factors that can affect whether you’re able to get pregnant after a tubal reversal. Your age is one of the most important factors, along with your overall health and the health of your partner’s sperm.

The experts at the Center for Reproductive Health can work with you to explain other options that may help you to conceive, such as in vitro fertilization. This may be a better option for you if you’re over 40 or if you have any other issues that may be causing infertility such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids or pelvic inflammatory disease.

If you have been unable to conceive after tubal reversal, make an appointment for a consultation. The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is committed to exploring all possible options for helping you make your dream of conceiving a reality.

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