Can You Get Artificial Insemination With Tubes Tied?

Having your tubes tied is intended to be a permanent method of birth control. After some time passes, it’s not uncommon for women who have had a tubal ligation to have second thoughts. Questions often come up such as “Can you get artificial insemination with tubes tied?” The best thing to do when you have questions about fertility options is to set up a consultation with us at The Center for Reproductive Health.
Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation
If you’ve had a tubal ligation done, during the procedure, a surgeon blocked, closed, or removed part of your fallopian tubes. This stops sperm from being able to reach an egg that’s ready for fertilization. Since sperm can’t travel to reach the egg, artificial insemination won’t work after you’ve had your tubes tied.
If you decide you’d like to get pregnant after tubal ligation, there are a couple of options to consider. These include in vitro fertilization (IVF) and tubal reversal.
In Vitro Fertilization
IVF is a form of assisted reproductive technology that may help you successfully attain pregnancy after your tubes are tied. This involves hormonal injections to stimulate ovulation and the development of multiple eggs. Eggs are then harvested and fertilized in a lab setting where they grow into an embryo before being implanted in the uterus. This procedure bypasses the fallopian tubes which have been cut or blocked and may help you to successfully attain pregnancy.
IVF can be done with your own eggs or with eggs donated by other women. If there are issues with your partner’s sperm, donated sperm is also an option.
Tubal Reversal Surgery
Tubal reversal surgery may be an option for some women who wish to get pregnant after having their tubes tied. Whether your tubal ligation can be reversed depends on the type of tubal ligation procedure that was done and whether there are enough healthy fallopian tube segments left to successfully reconnect. The best results from tubal reversal require the remaining tubes to be 7 cm or more in length.
Before having this type of procedure, you’ll undergo a thorough physical examination and review of your medical history. Your doctor also considers your body mass index (BMI), your age, and whether you have any other conditions that may cause infertility such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Considering Your Options
While many women successfully attain pregnancy after tubal ligation, there are no guarantees that either IVF or tubal reversal will be successful. If you’re under the age of 35 and opt for tubal reversal, you have between 50 and 80 percent chance of becoming pregnant within two years following surgery. The chance of success decreases with age.
It’s not unusual to feel confused when deciding which option to pursue. The knowledgeable and compassionate team at The Center for Reproductive Health can help you consider your options based on your individual situation and help you come to a decision about which choices may be best for you. Contact us today to ask questions or to schedule a consultation.