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How Much Do You Get Paid for Egg Donation?

Infertility is a problem that affects as many as one in eight couples. When a couple has difficulty conceiving, the problem may stem from the woman, the man or both. For some couples, infertility is caused by a woman’s inability to produce eggs or the eggs that are produced are of poor quality. 

Egg donation is a precious gift to many people who are experiencing this struggle, and those who are willing to donate their eggs are well compensated. How much do you get paid for egg donation?  The amount donors are paid may vary. At the Center for Reproductive Health, donors are compensated anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 per cycle. 

Who Qualifies for Egg Donation?

Not everyone who may be interested in donating eggs is able to do so. As women age, the eggs they produce decline in quality, so donors must be between the ages of 20 and 31. Another factor that’s considered is BMI. Donors are expected to be at a healthy weight and to be nonsmokers.

Potential donors that fit these qualifications are screened for sexually transmitted diseases and drug use. Bloodwork and an ultrasound are done and the health of the ovaries is checked. The family medical history is reviewed to screen for possible hereditary conditions. A brief psychological exam is also done as part of the screening process.

How Does It Work?

Donors that successfully pass the screening are put on birth control pills for two or three weeks beginning with the second or third day of the monthly cycle. The purpose of this prescription is to help to regulate the egg donation cycle. After this is completed, fertility injections begin in order to stimulate the growth of multiple egg follicles. This lasts around ten to twelve days, and during this time, the donor returns to the clinic for additional bloodwork and ultrasounds.

Eggs are retrieved during a simple procedure that usually takes about 30 minutes. Anesthesia is used so the donor doesn’t feel any discomfort or pain. About an hour is spent in recovery after the procedure, and the donor needs a friend or family member to drive them home. The donated eggs are fertilized in a carefully controlled lab environment. Embryos can be implanted into the uterus of the recipient. Donated eggs can also be frozen for future use.


Egg donors are uniquely positioned to help the dreams of others to come true and so many couples would be unable to conceive without the help of those who are willing to donate eggs. The generous compensation that donors receive is intended to acknowledge the value of the gift and the time commitment needed to complete the process. The Center for Reproductive Health is glad to be able to offer one of the highest amounts for compensation for egg donation in the Los Angeles area. Call today with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment.

What Does Peak Fertility Mean?

When you’re trying to get pregnant, you may hear a lot of terms that are confusing to you. It’s not unusual for people who are struggling to get pregnant to have questions such as:

  • What is my fertility window?
  • What does peak fertility mean?
  • What is ovulation and how do I know when I’m ovulating?

The team at the Center for Reproductive Health understands how stressful infertility can be. The staff is knowledgeable and compassionate, and they’re available to work with you to answer these and other questions to help you to understand what factors may help you improve your ability to get pregnant.

Peak Fertility

The fertility window are the days you’re most likely to get pregnant. Your fertility window is a range of days about five days before ovulation during which the body produces an increased amount of estrogen. During this time, sperm can stay in your body until you ovulate. Peak fertility refers to the two days in which you’re most likely to successfully conceive, which include the day of ovulation and the day before ovulation.

Knowing your fertility window helps you target the best time to have unprotected sex if you’re hoping to get pregnant. The days you’re considered most fertile happen only a few days a month. 

The Menstrual Cycle

Understanding what days you’re most fertile is important information to have if you’re trying to conceive. A woman’s menstrual cycle is the body’s way of preparing to get pregnant. The first day of your period is considered the first day of your cycle.  A typical cycle lasts about 28 days but can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days. There are many hormone fluctuations during this time.

Ovulation refers to the release of an egg from an ovary, which usually occurs about 12 to 14 days into your cycle. The timing of ovulation is a key factor in your fertility window.

Predicting Ovulation

The day you ovulate can vary from month to month, and it’s not always easy to pinpoint, especially if your periods are irregular. There are a few ways to attempt to predict ovulation. Ovulation predictor kits are sold in drugstores and can detect luteinizing hormone in your urine 24 to 48 hours before ovulation.

Another approach is the calendar method. If you have regular periods, track the start and end dates of your period for several months to determine the typical length of your cycle. Plan to have sex about halfway through your cycle. 

Your basal body temperature may help you determine when you’re ovulating. If you track your temperature daily, you’ll notice your temperature goes up slightly in the middle of your cycle, which can help you to pinpoint your most fertile days. Charting your cervical mucous may also shed some light on when you’re ovulating, because it becomes clear and slippery when you’re ovulating.

Reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health to find out more about pinpointing your fertility window and peak fertility.

What Vitamins Help Fertility?

The experts at the Center for Reproductive Health recommend taking a prenatal vitamin while you’re trying to get pregnant for your health and for your baby’s health if you do get pregnant. What vitamins help fertility? Prenatal vitamins contain important micronutrients that may improve your chance of conceiving, so taking a good prenatal vitamin is a good place to start. There are several individual vitamins that are known to be beneficial for fertility.

Folic Acid

It’s crucial for pregnant women to get enough folic acid because it helps reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects which are serious defects of a fetus’ brain and spine. Some research has determined that folic acid may improve the chance of a successful pregnancy if you’re pursuing pregnancy with assisted reproductive technology. Men may also benefit from taking multivitamins that contain folic acid. This nutrient can help to improve sperm quality in men. Take a supplement that contains at least 400 mcg of this important vitamin.

Vitamin D

Many adults have lower levels of vitamin D than they should, which can contribute to fertility problems in both men and women. Low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of miscarriage or complications during pregnancy and vitamin D levels also play a role in the success of in vitro fertilization. 

As many as four out of every ten adults are deficient in this nutrient, and it’s important to have adequate levels of this vitamin if you’re trying to get pregnant. Sun exposure can help to increase vitamin D levels, but supplementation may also be recommended to ensure that levels of this vitamin are adequate.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that works to repair cells and help cancel out the effects of free radicals. Both men and women can benefit from taking this supplement, because taking vitamin E supplements can help to improve both egg quality and sperm quality. Vitamin E can help a fertilized egg stay attached to the uterine wall. 


Coenzyme Q10, better known as CoQ10, is a powerful antioxidant. It’s found naturally in the body and it helps generate energy in cells. Levels of this substance decline with age, which may contribute to difficulty getting pregnant for women who are trying to conceive later in life. As levels of CoQ10 decline, the body is less efficient protecting eggs from oxidative damage. Taking CoQ10 supplements can help to improve egg quality and ovarian response, and it can also help improve sperm quality in men.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are known to be beneficial for heart health, and this supplement can also reduce inflammation and boost hormone production. Fish oil can have a positive effect on the development of a baby when you’re pregnant, and it may also help increase egg quality. It can be difficult to get enough omega 3s from diet alone and supplementation may help improve fertility.

Talk to the fertility specialists at the Center for Reproductive Health for more information on vitamins and fertility. 


How to Naturally Increase Fertility

Infertility is draining and frustrating and if you’re struggling to get pregnant, you may be searching for answers on how to naturally increase fertility. There are factors that contribute to infertility that are beyond your control, but the good news is that there are several lifestyle changes you can make that may help to improve your fertility. 

The team of fertility specialists at the Center for Reproductive Health is committed to working with you to teach you what you can do to increase fertility and to make your dream of having a successful pregnancy a reality.

Good Nutrition

The food you consume impacts your overall health as well as your ability to get pregnant. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are rich in antioxidants, which deactivate the free radicals in your body. This can help to boost egg quality and sperm quality. Limit the amount of refined carbs you eat, such as sugary foods and white bread or rice. These foods can cause a spike in blood sugar which can interfere with reproductive hormones.

Work on attaining or maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re overweight or underweight, it can affect your ability to get pregnant. Avoid diet plans that recommend eliminating entire food groups. Drink plenty of water since it helps support hormonal balance and organ function while flushing toxins from the body. 

An Active Lifestyle

Moderate physical activity can reduce stress, help you maintain a healthy weight and can have a positive impact on fertility. Aerobic exercise can improve lung capacity and blood circulation. Yoga and stretching exercises can improve posture and balance while Pilates and weight lifting can help to build strength. Use light weights and more repetitions or do resistance exercises that use your own body weight

When it comes to exercise, moderation is key. It’s important to get moving, but over-exercising can have a negative effect on your reproductive system.

Kick Unhealthy Habits

Things you do that you probably know are bad for you may also be factors in fertility problems. Smoking and vaping are associated with fertility problems, so if you or your partner smoke, it’s important to quit. Consumption of alcohol and caffeine should be limited or avoided altogether. 

Pay attention to your environment and whether you’re exposed to any environmental toxins such as pesticides and strong cleaning products. Environmental toxins can decrease fertility and should be avoided.

Stress Management

Stress can cause hormonal changes that can impact fertility. An inability to get pregnant can be stressful on its own, and you may be dealing with stress in other areas of your life as well. Make time to unwind and learn ways to relax such as deep breathing or meditation. Uncontrolled stress may affect fertility, and it may also drive you to turn to unhealthy habits to cope such as smoking, drinking or bingeing on junk food.

Positive lifestyle changes can improve your overall health and may also improve your fertility. Talk to the team of fertility experts at the Center for Reproductive Health to learn more about what you should work on to increase your fertility. 

How to Track Fertility

Women go through hormonal changes that can affect whether pregnancy occurs. Your fertility window refers to the time during your menstrual cycle when pregnancy has the best chance of happening. Usually this means the five days before you ovulate, the day of ovulation and the following day. Knowing how to track fertility helps you pinpoint the days of the month when you have the best chance of being able to conceive. 

The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is committed to helping patients understand what actions to take that may help increase fertility.

What Happens During the Menstrual Cycle?

The first day of your period is considered the first day of your menstrual cycle. If you have a 28 day cycle, about two weeks after the cycle begins, hormones cause follicles to begin to develop into a fully mature egg in one of your ovaries. When you ovulate, the mature egg is released and it travels down your fallopian tube and is ready for fertilization by a sperm. At this point in your cycle, the lining of your uterus prepares to have a fertilized egg implanted by getting thicker.

Knowing When Your Ovulating

Determining when you’re ovulating lets you know when you’re most fertile and the best time to have sex if you’re hoping to conceive. There are a few tracking methods, which include:

  • The calendar method. This method is used to track how long your menstrual cycle usually is over the course of several months. The length of your cycle is the number of days between the day your period starts to the first day of your next period. This can help you identify the time you’re most likely to ovulate, which is typically around 14 days before the next cycle begins.
  • Basal body temperature method. A basal thermometer measures your body temperature to a tenth of a degree. Take your temperature each morning and record your daily temperature for at least three months. When you ovulate, your basal body temperature rises by approximately 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Tracking your daily basal body temperature for a few months can help you identify your pattern of ovulation.
  • Cervical mucous method. When vaginal mucous is heavy and wet, it’s a sign that you’re ovulating. Your fertility specialist can help you have a clearer understanding of this method and the best way to track this information. 

For the most accurate prediction of ovulation, use all of these methods simultaneously. These methods may not work if your periods are irregular. Menstrual cycles are usually between 21 and 35 days. If your cycles are longer or shorter than that or if they vary by more than a few days each month, talk to your fertility specialist. Irregular periods may be a sign of a hormone imbalance.

Tracking fertility may help you achieve a successful pregnancy. Reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health for additional help tracking ovulation and to learn what else you can do that may help improve your chance of conceiving a baby.

What Can Men Do to Increase Fertility?

When couples experience infertility, the challenges they’re facing may be because of problems with the man, the woman or both. When men are unable to get their partner pregnant, it’s usually because of problems with sexual function or with sperm cells. What can men do to increase fertility? 

While not all causes of infertility are treatable, there are some things men can do to improve their overall health, which may also help to improve sperm quality. For guidance from compassionate and knowledgeable experts in the field of assisted reproductive technologies, reach out to the Center for Reproductive Health.

Developing Better Habits

Men who wish to have the best chance of fathering a child should work on making good lifestyle choices and developing healthy habits. High body mass index (BMI) may have an impact on sperm movement and quality, so it’s a good idea to work on attaining a healthy weight. Food choices should emphasize wholesome foods such as fruits and vegetables, especially those that are high in antioxidants. Limit consumption of trans fatty acids and highly processed foods.

Physical activity is an important part of overall health for both men and women. In men, regular activity is crucial for sperm health. For men who have been leading a sedentary lifestyle, committing to a program of regular exercise can help to boost testosterone levels, which may improve fertility and it can also help to decrease body fat.

Other Factors That May Affect Fertility in Men

There are many factors that may be affecting fertility in men. Some of these include:

  • Stress. Stress can be harmful to both mental and physical health. Being under prolonged stress may affect testosterone levels and libido. Men who want to increase fertility need to learn ways to unwind and destress, which includes making time to get plenty of sleep. Sleep helps the body to recharge and can help men improve their ability to cope with stress.
  • Unhealthy habits. Men with unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking to excess or dabbling in street drugs need to work on breaking these habits. Heavy drinking, cigarette smoke, cocaine and marijuana can all affect testosterone levels as well as sperm production and motility. Men who drink should do so moderately, which means no more than two drinks a day.
  • Chemicals. Exposure to toxic chemicals can affect male fertility. Men who work in an environment where they may be exposed to pesticides or other toxins should be sure to wear protective clothing such as masks and googles and should be careful to avoid letting skin come in contact with chemicals. 
  • Overheating. Overheating the scrotum can impact fertility in men. It’s a good idea to avoid hot tubs and saunas and wear loose fitting underwear. Men who spend a lot of time in a hot environment should take regular breaks to cool off.

The team at the Center for Reproductive Health is committed to helping both men and women overcome fertility challenges. For more information on increasing male fertility, schedule a consultation today.

When to See Fertility Specialist

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you may feel like you’ve been trying to conceive for a long time. You may be starting to wonder how long you should keep trying and when to see a fertility specialist. If you’re under the age of 35 and have been having unprotected sex for 12 months or longer without getting pregnant, or if you’re over 35 and have been trying for six months but haven’t been successful, reach out to the fertility experts at the Center for Reproductive Health. 

Other Reproductive Challenges

Infertility may be caused by problems with the woman, the man or both. Some factors that may present a challenge to fertility include:

  • History of irregular periods
  • Family history of early menopause
  • History of two or more miscarriages
  • Problems with male sexual function
  • Cancer treatment
  • History of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Some medical conditions can cause fertility challenges such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids and primary ovarian insufficiency. If your thyroid is underactive, it can impact ovulation and lead to irregular periods. You may benefit from seeing a fertility specialist if you have any chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

Body Weight

Attaining a healthy body weight may help you to conceive. Being overweight or underweight can affect your ability to get pregnant. Excess weight can interfere with ovulation, reducing your chances of conceiving. Being overweight can also cause irregular periods. If you do get pregnant, being overweight can raise the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertension.

Being underweight can also trigger irregular menstrual cycles, especially if you’re losing a lot of weight or over exercising. Babies born to mothers who are underweight have an increased risk of low birth weight or being born prematurely.

The Impact of Age

If you’re over the age of 35, it’s a good idea to see a fertility specialist sooner rather than later. Your fertility starts to decline in your thirties, and as time continues to pass, this decline accelerates.  Aging has an impact on the quantity and quality of your eggs, and it also has an impact on sperm quality. This can make it harder to get pregnant, and if you do get pregnant, you’re at a higher risk of complications or fetal abnormalities. If you’re between the ages of 27 and 34 but aren’t ready to try to get pregnant, it’s a good idea to consider freezing your eggs.

How Can a Fertility Specialist Help?

A fertility specialist can provide an expert evaluation of reasons you may be having difficulty conceiving. This starts with a discussion of your medical history and your partner’s medical history along with a full medical examination. This helps the specialist determine what tests should be run. They may be able to pinpoint the cause of your infertility. In some cases, the cause remains unexplained.

The experts at the Center for Reproductive Health can explain your options in assisted reproductive technologies, whether or not the cause of your infertility was identified. At your consultation, they can explain the risks and benefits of possible treatments so you can make the choice that’s best for you. Schedule a consultation today.


What Helps Fertility?

Trying to get pregnant can be an exciting experience, but when it doesn’t happen after several months of trying, it’s natural to wonder what you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant. One of the most common questions we hear from couples who are struggling to conceive is “What helps fertility?” 

Some lifestyle changes may help, and it’s a good idea to talk to fertility specialists about what changes you may need to make. Working with the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health is the best way to be sure you’re doing all you can to help fertility. 

Better Food Choices

One of the first things to focus on that may help problems with fertility is working on reaching a healthy body weight. Being overweight or underweight can disrupt hormones and impact ovulation. Be sure to include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. Foods rich in antioxidants help to deactivate free radicals that can damage both egg and sperm cells. Examples of foods rich in antioxidants include vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. 

Cut back on processed foods and refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white bread. Refined carbohydrates can affect your blood sugar which can impact hormone production.

Work on Getting More Active

It’s also important to be proactive about including exercise in your daily routine. Moderate exercise can be beneficial to both women and men. Try to include 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise such as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. This can help you cope with stress and can help to balance hormones. If you haven’t been exercising at all, talk to your doctor to find out the best way to increase your activity gradually.

At the opposite extreme, excessive exercise can be a factor in suppressing ovulation. It can be detrimental to fertility if you exercise vigorously more than 5 hours a week.

Things to Avoid

When you’re trying to get pregnant, there are some things that you should avoid. Stress caused by any source can wreak havoc on your body and unfortunately, infertility may make you feel even more stressed. Work on limiting the stress in your life by making time to relax and learning stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing and meditation.

Avoid toxic chemicals. Toxins may be a hazard at work for some professions such as dry cleaning or printing. Consider what you’re being exposed to at home, such as cleaning products with endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Wear gloves when using strong cleaning products. 

Excessive amounts of alcohol or tobacco can affect fertility in both women and men. There’s some evidence that consuming too much caffeine may also have an impact, so it’s best to avoid excessive caffeine when you’re trying to get pregnant.

At the Center for Reproductive Health, we recognize how stressful it is to be unable to get pregnant. Our dedicated staff can answer any questions you may have about things you can do to help fertility. Let us help you on your journey to pursue a healthy pregnancy. Schedule an appointment today.

How to Check Male Fertility Naturally

When a couple is having difficulty conceiving, both partners need to be evaluated to try to pinpoint the cause of fertility problems. Since problems with male fertility are usually related to sperm production, it’s natural for men to want to know how to check male fertility naturally. Fortunately, there are tests men can take at home that can provide an idea on whether sperm count may be low.

Even if you have a normal sperm count, there may be other reasons you’re having difficulty fathering a child. Couples struggling with fertility should keep in mind that seeing a fertility specialist is a better way to obtain a much more thorough evaluation. Compassionate and knowledgeable experts in the field of assisted reproductive technologies can be found at the Center for Reproductive Health.

What Can You Learn From At-Home Tests?

There are several different types of at-home tests that can test semen samples to evaluate the quality and quantity of sperm. Many men like the idea of an at-home test because they feel more comfortable taking a sperm test in the privacy of their own home. 

The sample is collected by masturbating into a cup or by wearing a special condom that collects semen during intercourse. For best results, avoid ejaculating for two or more days before collecting a sample. Avoid using lubricants and make sure all your semen makes it into the collection cup. 

Some things you may be able to learn from at-home sperm test kits include:

  • Total sperm count
  • Sperm motility, which refers to how well sperm moves
  • Sperm concentration
  • Sperm volume
  • Sperm morphology or shape

Results from some tests are available in around 45 minutes. Other tests need to be shipped to a lab and typically take two to five days for results. Not all at-home sperm test kits are covered by insurance. If you want to try an at-home sperm test kit, look for one that has been cleared by the FDA, but keep in mind that not all causes of male infertility can be identified by an at-home test kit.

Improving Sperm Count

There are many possible causes of low sperm count. Lifestyle changes may help boost sperm production in some cases. Consume a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats along with food high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. There may be a connection between being overweight and having low sperm count, so it’s a good idea to work on attaining a healthy weight.

Regular physical activity is a critical factor in overall health and may have an impact on your sperm count. If you’ve been leading a sedentary lifestyle, talk to your doctor about the best way to become more active. Quit smoking and avoid consuming excessive alcohol. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and work on controlling the amount of stress you’re under.


An at-home sperm test isn’t always reliable and can’t replace the comprehensive fertility evaluation provided by the Center for Reproductive Health. Schedule an appointment today